Revolutionising due diligence for international business

Inriskable delivers an in-depth business and financial overview of non-listed companies, to help you spot opportunities and risks.

Trusted by 138,000+ professional users

Search data of  businesses and individuals

Simply input the official names directly in the console, and we screen the potential credit risks from online news, government authorities releases and court cases.

Search company registry information for free

You can freely access and search through more than 6 million records of Hong Kong and China company registry information without any limitations or charges.

News, media, government and litigation search

Search for information in local media and government to find potential risks about your customers, partners and supply chain.

Database with more than 64 millions SMEs in ..
Version 2.0 support:
8,000,000+ Hong Kong ,Singapore and China non-listed companies
4000+ HKTVMall
Alternative data included*
Business information
Company name
Office address
Registration date
Director's name
Registration location
Business status
Shareholding structures #
Important people of the company #
Financial information
Financial analysis with annual reports #
Financial estimation with major contracts
Operations related
Store or office address
Office address
Opening hours
Contact informaton
E-commerce specific*
Store description
MOM & YOY transaction and revenue estimation
*E-commerce module is in beta mode, only applicable for specific e-commerce sites, see our supported e-commerce sites here.
#Applied to Singapore non-listed companies, with data integrated and retrieved from ACRA.
*Available alternative data depends on the SMEs information available an might be different across different locations, see our supported region here
Search media and litigations to spot risks across 24,000 data sources..
Version 2.0 support:
Public information*
Negative publicity
Penalty announcement from the government
Organization change information
Negative news
Court cases and litiations*
China litigation
Hong Kong litigation
*E-commerce module is in beta mode, only applicable for specific e-commerce sites, see our supported e-commerce sites here.
*Available alternative data depends on the SMEs information available an might be different across different locations, see our supported region here

Why we build this?

In the fast-paced world of modern business, it is absolutely crucial to maintain unwavering vigilance when it comes to detecting groundbreaking news developments and closely monitoring customer profiles. After all, the ability to identify potential credit risks is a game-changer. However, we find ourselves grappling with an ever-growing challenge: the management of an overwhelming multitude of data sources and a constant deluge of information that bombards us on a daily basis. Amidst this sea of noise, extracting meaningful insights for your business becomes a formidable task.

But fear not, for we have developed inRiskable, a powerful solution crafted by a team of innovative developers. With inRiskable, we aim to unlock the true potential of technology, empowering you to harness the maximum value from your data like never before.

Risk intelligence for

100% accurate on company information

We connect to local media and government sources that provides accurate information about the business, all at your fingerprint.

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50% cheaper than you search on government sites

Inriskable's AI predicts risk levels automatically, providing rational, explainable and auditable results.

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Comprehensive business overview at your fingerprint

Inriskable extracts business-related information, news, and litigation pertaining to the entity, categorizing SMEs based on risks or other relevant information to offer a comprehensive business overview.

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