Search data of businesses and individuals
Simply input the official names directly in the console, and we screen the potential credit risks from online news, government authorities releases and court cases.
Search company registry information for free
You can freely access and search through more than 6 million records of Hong Kong and China company registry information without any limitations or charges.
News, media, government and litigation search
Search for information in local media and government to find potential risks about your customers, partners and supply chain.
#Applied to Singapore non-listed companies, with data integrated and retrieved from ACRA.
*Available alternative data depends on the SMEs information available an might be different across different locations, see our supported region here
*Available alternative data depends on the SMEs information available an might be different across different locations, see our supported region here
Risk intelligence for
100% accurate on company information
We connect to local media and government sources that provides accurate information about the business, all at your fingerprint.
View tutorials50% cheaper than you search on government sites
Inriskable's AI predicts risk levels automatically, providing rational, explainable and auditable results.
Comprehensive business overview at your fingerprint
Inriskable extracts business-related information, news, and litigation pertaining to the entity, categorizing SMEs based on risks or other relevant information to offer a comprehensive business overview.
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