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Launching inriskable 1.0 - Enterprise for AML adverse media search
Published on 20 Jan 2023
Hong Kong, 20 Jan 2023 - inRiskable, a startup that delivers enterprise-grade risk discovery solutions, is thrilled to announce the official launch of inRiskable Version 1.0, a cutting-edge platform specifically designed to streamline the adverse media search process for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and customer due diligence in enterprise settings.
Focus 1 - Streamlined Workflow for Compliance Analysts
Drawing insights from a collaborative effort with AML compliance professionals currently working in banks in Hong Kong, inRiskable Version 1.0 has been meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate into the existing workflow of compliance analysts. Through extensive testing and a deep understanding of their adverse media search processes, inRiskable has developed a solution that minimizes disruption to daily operations. Leveraging open news and government data sources in Hong Kong, the platform offers a user-friendly workflow that harnesses the power of AI for enhanced justification and report generation. This foundation serves as a springboard for future advancements within inRiskable.
Focus 2 - Flexible Architecture for Integration
In close consultation with the aforementioned workgroup, inRiskable identified the prevalence of various external data sources and systems already adopted by banks. But analysts are having a pain points of retrieving huge volume of false positive cases, specifically to entity in Hong Kong and China.

To address this, inRiskable Version 1.0 has been engineered with a flexible and scalable architecture, allowing for seamless integration with different external data sources and systems. By providing API readiness, inRiskable becomes a centralized AI hub that empowers analysts to efficiently navigate through complex and unstructured data, facilitating informed decision-making.
Focus 3 - Comprehensive AI Analysis
During the extensive study conducted with the workgroup, it became evident that many tasks were still performed manually due to the complex nature of human judgment, reasoning, and decision-making, which cannot be solely governed by rule-based systems. To address this challenge, inRiskable Version 1.0 has been developed with an extensive range of training data. The platform features a robust named entity engine, trained on a dataset of 1 million records, and a knowledge graph encompassing over 200 thousand entities. Specifically tailored to Mandarin, English, and mixed-language contexts, this advanced engine forms a solid foundation for future developments, enabling inRiskable to deliver even more sophisticated solutions.
With the launch of inRiskable Version 1.0, inRiskable reaffirms its commitment to empowering enterprises with state-of-the-art risk discovery capabilities. By providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform, inRiskable aims to revolutionize the way AML compliance and customer due diligence processes are conducted. The company remains dedicated to continuous innovation and anticipates further breakthroughs in the near future.
Written by Megan Chau
CEO, Co-Founder of Inriskable